Thursday 19 November 2009

Big Close Up

A big close up draws attention to the importance of emotion on a characters face as well as drawing a massive emphasis on it. The character at this point is shown as tired and drawn , and this is revealed clearly to the audience. we can see her features clearly especially her eyes. attention is drawn to the stethoscope around her ears, which immediately allows us to assume her job position. subsequently from associations that come form the type of job we may assume include death., major time consumption and illness. from assuming those things we can explore the range of emotions the character may be feeling clearly that are influenced by those factors. at this point we know nothing but we see shear emotion, subsequently leading to the audience feeling sympathetic towards the character. subconsciously a relationship is being built between character and audience which is influence by the lighting, use of shot in the frame as the audience can relate to the emotional values of the character.

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